I've Got My Head In The Clouds Performer(s): Josh Chan with The Holy Ghost — First Appearance: "To Josh, With Love." Written by: Adam Schlesinger, Jack Dolgen and Rachel Bloom — Genre: Show Tune
It’s with my head in the clouds...got no cares anymore! No obligations are holding me down, that’s what religion is for!
— Josh, “To Josh, With Love.”
“I've Got My Head In The Clouds” is a musical number featuring Josh Chan singing and dancing inside a church. In this song Josh believes he made the right choice to become a priest and leave all his previous drama behind. This song debuted in the Season Three episode "To Josh, With Love..”
Song and lyrics[]
I’ve got my head in the clouds
‘cause that’s where heaven is!
No longer stuck in the muck on the ground.
I figured out how to live!
It’s with my head in the clouds...
Got no cares anymore!
No obligations are holding me down,
that’s what religion is for!
Anything you want to confess my son?
Not anymore priest me!
Reality was getting so complicated
all the drama was getting insane!
But now I’ve given my life to Mr. Jesus Christ
so I’m speeding down the carpool lane!
God’s my E-ZPass.
I’ve got my head in the clouds!
Blessed with a permanent smile!
I feel just like baby Moses
on the day he was found on de Nile!
It is just a river in Egypt!
I was almost toast but now
I’ve got the Holy Ghost!
Holy Ghost:
Did somebody say ‘Holy Ghost?’
Whoa! That’s what you look like?
Holy Ghost:
It’s what you think I look like. Now let’s dance!
Off to lunch with Caspar!
My puzzle is solved
cause I’m absolved
life will be splendid
now that I’ve transcended!
When things get scary
just say ten Hail Mary’s!
I’m Turin off my Shroud
with my head in the clouds!
This song, particularly the dance sequence, is an homage of Gene Kelly’s musical performance in the 1952 film "Singin’ in the Rain".
Holy Ghost[]
In the Christian faith, the Holy Ghost (or Spirit) is a part of the divine trinity alongside the Father (God) and the Son (Jesus). Each are aspects of God but are separate entities themselves while also one being at the same time which is referred to as Consubstantiality. In some classic paintings the Son is depicted as a baby and the Holy Ghost/Spirit is depicted as a dove.