Greg Serrano:
Whoop-dee-frickin'-doo, an 'A'.
What's an 'A'?
It's just a letter on the page
meant to distract us from the pain.
But it's not like any 'A'
can make a difference in the day.
Sure I could get an 'A'
if I wanted an 'A'
But who cares about an 'A'?
I don't.
I don't care.
Although I coulda
made that grade
if I did care.
But I don't.
But I could if I wanted to!
Look at this guy
With a red and blue striped tie
Makin' millions till' he dies
Sellin' bonds and stocks
to other guys in ties
Who have millions with which to buy
a bunch of bonds and stocks and ties
I'd rather die
Which I will, eventually,
of course.
But in the mean time
I could make millions
selling stocks and bonds and ties
if I tried.
But I don't.
But I could. But I don't! But I could if I wanted to! Yeah! Yeah I could if I wanted to!
Who cares?
A happy dad with his big dad calves
and his stupid baseball cap
and his T-ball shirt and
dumbass son throwing a ball
like it's so important
to know how to throw a ball!
Who cares about throwing a ball
or having a kid?
It'll get you nowhere in life
Not like getting anywhere matters
Although I guess it does if you care
Which I don't!
But I could! But I don't! But I could if I wanted to! Yeah!
Whoop-dee-frickin'-doo! If I wanted to!
This song sucks! I could make it good if I wanted to! Yeah! Yeah I could if I wanted to!
"I Could if I Wanted To" is a inspired by the themes of anger, nihilism and apathy found in popular 1990's alternative rock songs. The performance itself is a homage to The Verve’s video “Bittersweet Symphony.”
Actor Santino Fontanatweeted that "I Could if I Wanted To" was shot in one take with a single camera using a long tracking shot without any cuts or edits. He also uploaded a behind the scenes photo of himself during production of the scene.
Greg learns about Josh and Rebecca "I Could If I Wanted To" Reprise
In Season Two the song was briefly reprised im "When Will Josh See How Cool I Am?" by Greg after he found out that Josh and Rebecca have been having sex and also living together.