Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Wiki
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Wiki
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Wiki


Prostitute A working girl who has a bad reputation.

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Occupation: Hooker
Family: Unknown
Actor: N/A
First Appearance: "N/A"

I left my wife for a prostitute!
— Gary, "I'm going on a date with Josh's friend!"

The Prostitute is a local West Covina, California escort who is an often mentioned character in season one that has yet to be seen onscreen. This individual is someone who has been said to be the cause of several marriages to end. The first mention of this character was on the Season One episode "I'm Going on a Date with Josh's Friend!".


Season One[]

  • "I'm Going on a Date with Josh's Friend!": An executive of the "Truly Happy Truly Butter" company calls Gary the head of the latest advertising campaign into his office. Although he praises his employee for a successful marketing of the product he questions the ad copy being used which seems to have dark undertones. He pointedly asks Gary if he is okay only for his employee to have an emotional breakdown. Gary then confesses that he left his wife for a prostitute.
  • "That Text Was Not Meant for Josh!": A judge named Harry provides Rebecca Bunch a police escort when she goes to erase a text she mistakingly sent to her ex-boyfriend Josh Chan which confesses her love for him. Afterwards a fellow judge questions the misappropriation of city resources and asks Harry why he did this. Harry then breaks down and confesses that he left his wife for a prostitute.
  • "Josh and I Work on a Case!": After a long day at work, members of the West Covina Window Washers club meets at Home Base to trade gossip. One of them mentions that a prostitute in the area is breaking up marriages.


Why the running joke was not continued[]

On February 24, 2019 co-creator and co-showrunner Rachel Bloom responded on Twitter to a fan asking about the prostitute character. Bloom revealed she thought about revisiting the joke but felt only diehard fans would appreciate the gag.

CXG Rachel Bloom tweet on prostitution running gag
Rachel Bloom explains why the joke ended.
  Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Characters (Appearances) edit
Main characters

Rebecca Bunch 🎈 Josh Chan 🎈 Greg Serrano 🎈 Paula Proctor 🎈 Darryl Whitefeather 🎈 Heather Davis 🎈 Valencia Perez 🎈 Nathaniel Plimpton III 🎈 Josh Wilson

Supporting characters

Hector 🎈 Chris 🎈 The Crew 🎈 Father Brah 🎈 Mrs.Hernandez 🎈 Sunil Odhav 🎈 Dr. Noelle Akopian 🎈 Naomi Bunch 🎈 Trent Maddock 🎈 George 🎈 Tim Campbell 🎈 Scott Proctor 🎈 Tommy Proctor 🎈 Brendan Proctor 🎈 Jim Kittsworth 🎈 Maya 🎈 AJ 🎈 Karen

Minor characters

Marco Serrano 🎈 Mrs.Chan 🎈 Mr.Chan 🎈 Jayma Epstein 🎈 Jastinity Chan 🎈 Young Rebecca 🎈 Audra Levine 🎈 Kevin 🎈 Silas 🎈 Bob O'Brien 🎈 Beth 🎈 Brody 🎈 Calvin Young 🎈 Alex 🎈 Marty 🎈 David 🎈 Ashley Pratt 🎈 Nathaniel Plimpton II 🎈 Madison Whitefeather 🎈 Ken 🎈 Mona 🎈 Shawna 🎈 Connie Cavanagh 🎈 Joyce 🎈 Estella 🎈 Warren 🎈 Bert 🎈 Xander 🎈 Bernard 🎈 Laura 🎈 Mover 🎈 Dr. Nick Roth 🎈 Dr. Chester Roth 🎈 Dr. Davit Akopian 🎈 Guardrail 🎈 Sherpa Allen 🎈 Hank 🎈 Tessa 🎈 Robert Donnelly 🎈 Cornelia Wickfield 🎈 Dr. Daniel Shin 🎈 Tucker Bunch 🎈 Prostitute 🎈 Tanya 🎈 Kayla 🎈 Chloe 🎈 Colin Crowley 🎈 Denise Martinez 🎈 Hebecca Whitefeather 🎈 Vic

Special appearances

Dr.Phil 🎈 Nipsey Hussle 🎈 Dream Ghost #1 🎈 Dream Ghost #2 🎈 J. Castleman 🎈 Tita Myrna 🎈 Anna 🎈 B.J. Novak 🎈 Trina 🎈 Rabbi Shari 🎈 Jeff Channington 🎈 Jarl 🎈 Wendy Legrand 🎈 Xiao Huang 🎈 Fett Regoso
