Santa Ana Winds:
It's me, I'm the Santa Ana winds,
And I'm a massive pain in the ass,
I'm a real jerk face weather pattern,
That comes in twice a year,
The Santa Ana winds make everything super weird.
I'm here and by I, I mean the Santa Ana winds,
I freaking love messing with people's lives,
I'm like nature's version of punk'd,
It gives me so much impish cheer (hee hee),
The Santa Ana winds make everything super weird
Oh snap, they had the same dream,
Oh, they just got Santa Ana winded,
Boom suckers
You might say "Don't do it wind!
Leave the poor people alone!",
But on humanity I'm a hex,
So I'm coming for you Becks,
Cause the Santa Ana winds can make people have,'m
[disconnects the wires]
I'll complete the line, SEX, they're gonna have sex!
Santa Ana Winds:
Eeeh, you're looking really guilty!
Move aside wind!
Santa Ana Winds:
You just got owned by the Santa Ana Winds!
Oh, so wind this is you're fault?
Santa Ana Winds:
In reality the winds, just reveal our deepest wishes and fears
So it's you Rebecca, not me, who is super weird
Super weird, you're super weird,
You ruined everything, you stupid bitch!