"The CW" is an American broadcast television Network network. It is a joint partnership between CBS Corporation and Warner Bros. Entertainment operated under the name The CW Network, LLC. The CW was formed as a continuation of both CBS's "UPN and Warner Bros. "The WB" networks. it's name is derived from the first letters of its parent corporations first letters. The CW made its debut on September 18 and 19, 2006 and featured shows form it's predecessor networks along with various specials touting the relaunch. For Season One it aired the TV show "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" on Mondays at 8:00 PM EST before "Jane the Virgin". The CW renewed officials the show for a second season on March 11, 2016. On May 19, 2016 The CW announced its official 2016 - 2017 Fall schedule and revealed "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" was moving from Monday 8:00 PM to Friday 9:00 PM after "The Vampire Dairies".
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Seasons | ||||
Companies |
LeanMachine 🎈 racheldoesstuff 🎈 Blacklamb | |||
Channels |
The CW 🎈 Showtime 🎈 Netflix | |||
Webisodes | Soft Pretzels 🎈 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Oh My God, I Think It's Over |